Scaling The Heights

This Sunday Wuthering Heights, the only book written by Emily Bronte, will be broadcast on BBC Radio 3, at 8pm. A shame they didn't broadcast it during the cold and wind of January, the lovely weather feels all wrong for stories of windswept moors and Heathcliff. I'm not moaning about this glorious sunshine though - long may it stay with us.  Have a great weekend, whatever you are doing.


  1. One of my favourites, but you are right, it would have been magical in front of the fire on a wild Winter's night! Do I need to get out more, 'cos that sounds like a perfect evening to me!! xx

  2. I don't think you need to get out more at all, that sounds like a perfect evening. Talking of fires, I am going fireplace shopping tomorrow morning. Having hankered after a real fire for ages, this last winter with the cold (and a broken boiler for 4 days in Feb) has made my mind up!
