Happy New Year

Whew.  Another year over, a new one just begun, as the fabulous John Lennon song says.  

The photograph above was taken besides the rowing lake in Dorney, where the olympic rowing will take place in this summers olympic games.  It was a cold, windy January day, with occasional glimpses of low, bright sun.

Although I am not a good photographer, I do love to take photographs. To master my new camera, and to improve my skill, I have decided to set myself the challenge of completing Project 365, taking a photograph every day.  I wonder how this will pan out.  I think the largest part of the challenge will be to find something interesting to photograph, especially in the first 3 months of the year.  

Whatever your challenges are this year, I wish you and yours a very happy 2012.


  1. Now you see, that is a good photograph, the pathway etc., leading your eye off into the distance, good sense of perspective.
    And taking a photo a day would be no challenge for me... there is so much out there that is lovely to look at, maybe not in your eyes is it interesting, but to someone else, it may be. Your photo above reminded me so much of roads around here, or more especially the Fens, man-made 'drains' either side, desolate but beautiful because of that. And always so quiet.
    Happy New Year to you too.

  2. Great photo! It reminds me too of the Lincolnshire fens where we lived for quite a while. Long straight roads with huge, endless skies and where you could navigate by church towers and spires. Good luck with the photo challenge and Happy New Year:)

  3. Thank you Maggie, I'm brimming with inspiration at the moment, I will put the first 7 days up on Sunday.

    Rosie that's very kind of you, we are going to Lincolnshire in the summer, I am looking forward to capturing some images then.

  4. What kind of camera did you decide on? I love leading line photos ... do you have a link to your 360 challenge page or will you be posting your photos here?

    When you come back to Cornwall we can go on a photo walk together.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Thank you Elizabeth, I will post the photos here on Sunday, and message you about my foray into the grown up camera world!
