Fifty Shades of Grey!

Earlier in the year, whilst reading a blog I saw this image in a piece about decks.  I loved the image, and as I have a very small deck thought I might be able to do something like it.

Whilst thinking, I saw this image too, serendipity I thought...

So, out I went and found myself a chair...

Sorry the picture quality is not good, I could only take it through the window, for obvious reasons.

You have to laugh.


  1. Don't give up hope... "the sun'll come out tomorrow..." tra la... and if not tomorrow then maybe the day after, or failing that next week...!

    1. Blogspot let me reply today! Thanks Maggie, it's actually out this morning, I think all of this rain has made me appreciate every second of sunshine.

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed - we had some sunshine yesterday and it is still here this morning. Hope you have sunshine too and that you have been able to sit out in the sunshine and enjoy your new chair:)

  3. I love these chairs, the sun will come out soon!

  4. I love red. Soon you will be able to sit out in the sunshine. Any day now ...!

  5. A fabulous corner to enjoy reading in. You'll get your moment in your 'Adirondeck' and enjoy every second. Have you seen those pictures from the States - wrapped up in fluffy sweaters hugging hot chocolate sitting in one of those chairs in the Autumn. It's definitely not all over for this year! GG

  6. The weather's going to be better this weekend - so you may even get to use your new chair!
