
Over on rosiepblog, Rosie has posed a few questions for her readers.  As I am nosey and like reading others answers, I thought I would share mine;

Your favourite flower? Lily Of The Valley
The last time you went to the theatre - what did you see? Billy Elliot 
Tea or coffee? Tea, large mug
Favourite film? Moonstruck with Cher, Nicholas Cage and Olympia Dukakis.
What book are you reading now? Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens
Have you ever made your own bread? Yes, my favourite is red onion, sage and olive foccacia (above)
When did you last visit a museum? Last October, The Victoria and Albert, again
When did you last visit a big city? (other than your own if you live in one)? London in February
Favourite footwear (sandals, shoes or boots)? walking shoes, it means I'm out in the fresh air
Where in the world do you still want to visit and why? Venice - because of Jan Morris, I'm going in June
What makes you happy? A day out with my family, books, sun, walking, meeting up with friends & chocolate


  1. Thanks for joining in. I've really enjoyed reading your responses; your things that make you happy are mine too and your bread looks so tasty:)

    1. Thank you Rosie, your post got me thinking.

  2. Is that your bread in the top picture? It looks very scrumptious! So jealous of your trip to Venice in June!

    1. Thank you Meghan, I'm proud to say I did make the bread - or rather my Panasonic bread machine made it, and the oven cooked it.

  3. That's cute! I am going to check her blog too!!!

  4. wow......and that bread looks amazing!!

  5. Oh, I like this list. I share a number of your likes, one of them being , 'Moonstruck'. I now tell my dog to 'non tirare' when I'm walking her on the lead. And Venice is my favourite city, I hope you will be blogging your visit.

    1. thank you SMG I think you'd have to try and stop my sharing my trip!
