Nothing New Under The Sun

One of my finds (see my last post ) was the book called Married Love by Marie Stopes. Marie is said to have written this after the crushing failure of her 1st marriage, which was unconsummated due to her husbands impotence. The marriage was annulled, and Marie was in the unusual position of being a virgin divorcee. After this disaster she set out to write a book which would explain everything a young married couple (sex before marriage was frowned upon, so Married Love is a euphemism for sex) needed to know to have a happy and healthy sex life together. All this was back in 1923! Check out Married Love, and my other finds on the link below. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again.

Buying Books at Boots for BeauBazaar

- car boots that is.

I was on the trail for treasure this weekend and I think I found some, I hope BeauBazaar buyers agree. I have been trawling shops, festivals and car boots with not much to inspire me lately. The car boots have been along the 'my big fat gypsy wedding' type of car boot - big nylon dresses, lots of knock offs and very little in the way of anything 'interesting' for me.

The one I went to this weekend just knocked my socks off - and I'm devastated I didn't take my camera. It was a riot of home made cakes, home grown flowers, veg - tables groaning with bunches of newly pulled beetroot, punnets of gooseberries -all things summer. I chanced upon a table which had so many interesting books - propping up some really horrid pictures! The friend I went with was looking for interesting finds for her shop too - she found a really large Union Jack (hence photo above) and some lovely invoices from the 1800's which she has some great ideas for.

Anyway, back to the books, I will be putting them in my shop this week, check it out;

Hope to see you there.